This is My Mom Posted by Vivian Ennis

When Someone WE Love Dies

Vivian Ennis
2 min readOct 19, 2018

A Poem Written by Vivian Ennis 01/25/01

We grieve when someone we love dies and leaves us behind
It’s the ones that are still here that need peace of mind

We truly mourn a loss of a loved one so dear
When thinking of how we will make it without them one more year

The painful tears that we shed
Are not only for the dead

But the tears are for each other too
As we look at each other’s hearts and see that we all feel blue

Death is very painful but life must go on
Somewhere deep inside of us we will have to be real strong

In finding the lessons that life is trying to teach
We may feel that peace is way out of our reach

But we need to see the good that comes from everything we suffer on earth
Just like when a mother painfully delivers a baby in child birth

Deep down in our hearts there must be a reason
That the pain we feel has its time and season

So when someone dies that we love
look to God who is in heaven above



Vivian Ennis

I love writing everything from poetry to thoughts about life ! Some old and new words to share. I am not religious but spiritual referring to God in my work!