This is just a question . do you not know that there are levels of claps? You can hit the clap button up to 1 to 50 times depending on how much you like what you read. For instance if I like someone poem or article a lot I will give it 50 claps. If I think it is half that Good then 25 claps and if I maybe am not sure I would perhaps give 14 or 16 claps for example. If i want to acknowledge that I read it and i dont like it I may give 1 to 5 claps . This is not like face book where one touch of a like button says it all. The more claps the better. The claps are more of a grade you give the writer as the reader. So than giving me one clap that is why I asked if you did not like it , see ? I am not pushing for claps but what I am doing is wondering if you did or did not like it by the one clap I did get.. anyhow glad you liked it ! have a great evening!