The way I look at it no matter where you are you’re alone anyway… Of course that’s because I don’t have a lot of ties to family like you do.. My children did grow up and I had not planned on that either. My son lives in Colorado and my daughter uprooted and moved not too far from me. Me and her were never to close other than in distance because she used to own the house across the street from me. My daughter really doesn’t give hugs. It sounds nice that you have family but if you’re only moving back because you feel lonely, and you feel your family can fill that loneliness, then by all means move back where your family is. But if you really love where you Live then stay.. Look at it this way you could move back were you want to move back to closer to family and you can always move again. It’s not that hard if you have the freedom to do it. But your mom That is who you should be thinking about. Perhaps think how she must feel she’s getting older obviously why not move back and spend some time with her. Ultimately if my mother was alive and I knew my 2 children were no longer going to be close to me I would have moved closer to my mother in her last days… I don’t think I was much of a help but maybe I was by just my thoughts. Your mom obviously feels the same way because she’s a mother. If I had family to go to I would leave where I am at.