A factual Poem Written by Vivian Ennis 2/23/1997
Oh Manx cat with all your myths you see
Your mom bit of your tail so you would not be snatched away easily
With your long and slink body and beautiful hair
Oh how you walk around without a single bit of care
Or was it Noah in his ark as the rain came down that day
He slammed your tail in the arch door and cut it off that way
And what about the ship at sea with all the men aboard
Who needed some companionship and took you off the shore
To a ship with a bunch of men as they traveled around
Because you didn't have a tail they wouldn't trip on you falling to the ground
And last but not least the Welsh thought you were sacred too
Now the language of the Celtic tongues depicts you
Oh Manx you came from the Isle of man
Off the coast of Great Britain
Polite and reserved you can be
And loyal to your owner most naturally
Written by Vivian Ennis 2/23/1997