OMG… Was this a real story? If so Oh my God!.. They do ask this question in America but not like with this man did. That is horrible that you had to go through this on your wedding day. But we can pull the good out of it. At least no one came forward about your husband. At least no one came forward about your husband. And your husband showed you that he will be supportive of you and calm you down in troubled times. But truthfully that was extremely uncalled for. Nobody says let’s give it 5 minutes. I’m literally smacking my head over here. Well at least one thing you have a great story to tell down the years to your children. How after so many minutes given everybody thought you and your husband were perfect for each other. Sorry you went through that. Hopefully you will take the positive out of it. I would have been devastated. But sometimes the things that devastate us can also make things stronger. Perhaps your marriage will be stronger because of this day and this crazy pastor.