A Poem Written by Vivian Ennis 11/26/01
Nothing is surely nothing at all
Nothing that I can grasp at to help me not fall
Nothing I can see, nothing I can feel
Nothing that feels to me at all real
Nothingness, nothingness drifting away
into this nothingness lately every single day
wanting to grasp wanting to feel
wanting to grab on to something that is real
Needing it now ever so much
needing to feel someone’s soft touch
Emptiness here, emptiness now
Emptiness has entered this life somehow
Nothingness and emptiness is what I feel
in my life that does not seem real
Grasping at this grasping at that
Feeling pain as if I have been bitten by a rat
Nothingness in everything I do each day
sometimes nothingness won’t go away
grasping at life tormented you know
In this nothingness and emptiness will I ever let go
Written by Vivian Ennis 11/26/01