A Poem Written by Vivian Ennis 08/15/2000
If I took life for granted, how would I feel inside
I guess I would be filled with a lot of false pride
I would start each day not caring about anyone, but me
being mean to everyone that is how I would be
Every day, with a chip upon my shoulder
never growing up mentally, as I got older
Caring for no one, except for me
not even the animals, or the birds that fly free
Never seeing the gift of life, I have been given
not even recognizing the life, I am living
Never being grateful, for what I have in this life
always feeling lack and a whole lot of strife
I would not even be grateful that I exist
just think of all the love, I will have missed
Disrespecting a lot of people, along the way
thinking they will always stay
So if I was to live life this way, you can see
I would never really be peaceful, or ever feel free
Written by Vivian Ennis 08/15/2000
I wrote this when I was younger!