A Poem Story Written by Vivian Ennis 02/15/1996
Who are you to tell me who I am
Do you think that you truly can
See I have been alone along time you see
and that says a whole lot about me
I am strong in some ways weak in others
I’ve had little ties to my sisters and brother
I been alone and free
all I’ve really had is me
I’m alone deep in the night
At times feel a deep feeling of fright
I think way to hard in my head
Sometimes thinking about what I dread
Sometimes I think about what people say
that these feelings would not change with a mate anyway
but I don't believe them, I know for sure
that I could love with a love so pure
I don't know why I am not loved
except by God up above
but I want a love that is so real
So that I can laugh, love and be able to deeply feel
Not only laughing alone
I want someone to share my big beautiful home
Being here with me in the nights so long