A Poem Written by Vivian Ennis 9/14/2000
Anger and love
go hand in hand
Anger is a protection
at things we don’t always understand
Anger and love
go together
like the wind and rain
and all the weather
Love is not anger
it comes straight from the heart
its usually something you feel
at the very start
Emotions can cause pain
and sometimes they will
life at times seems to go up
and down a hill
At times you can be happy
or oh so very sad
but only one of these feelings
can make you really mad
But even in the midst
of all the emotions
You can still love freely
like sails on the oceans
See I have found peace
with all that flows through me
And that peace that I have
will live throughout eternity
Written by Vivian Ennis 9/14/2000