A Prayer Poem Written by Vivian Ennis /2000
My strong will puts me in a bind
I’m Needing to relax, let go and unwind
My strong will keeps me tied down in chains so deep
Affecting me in the day, at night and in my very sleep
My will is so stubborn; it will not let me be
It’s stopping me from really being emotionally free
My controlling will is not allowing my life to flow in a natural way
Feeling I must control life's moves not knowing how to stay
Always on the run
Not listening to anyone
My will is bringing on anxiety when I'm sitting still
By not allowing anything to control my very will
Pushing everyone aside
Do to unproductive pride
Doing things as I please, thinking I know best
Not leaving any room for opinions from the rest
Please dear God give me wisdom to let go my controlling will
Helping me to feel the peace of your love ever so still
Help me to balance my strong will but not loose it completely
But just enough for you and others, to truly see me